The exhibition on "Prophecy" by Calligrapher and Painter Refet Kavukçu is open


The exhibition on “Prophecy and Our Prophet (pbuh) in the Light of Risale-i Nur,” consisting of collages and contemporary works produced in recent years on the concept of prophecy by the calligrapher and painter Rafet Kavukcu, who has been producing works for over 50 years, was opened in Erzincan Park Mall.


At the opening of the exhibition, Erzincan Governor Mehmet Makas, Mayor Bekir Aksun, 26th Term Isparta Deputy Said Yüce and Erzincan ex-deputy Sabahattin Karakelle also gave speeches. In the exhibition attended by guests from many different parts of of Turkey, Refet Kavukçu guided his guests through the exhibition and told memories despite his advanced age.


The exhibition, created by blending iconic quotes ​​ from Risale-i Nur and plastic arts, presents 45 works to the visitors. The exhibition also presented collages designed with neon lights focused on the main concept of the exhibition, prophecy and our Prophet (pbuh). These works emphasized the importance of prophecy, the institution of prophethood, and the value of prophethood in the sight of Almighty Allah. These works were exhibited together with a three-dimensional installation depicting the writing of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s name. In addition, there is a video work created with images from the Bediuzzaman Culture and Art House, where the works produced by Kavukcu for more than 50 years are constantly exhibited. The museum where the video was shot, hosts the artist’s oil paintings, patterns and collages.


Pictorial compositions in which God's pleasure can be and the impossibility of existence without Him, and concise words that open doors for every rational individual, strengthen the sublime atmosphere of the exhibition. Artist Refet Kavukcu, who says that art reaches all segments of society, can tell something to the audience and must convey a message regardless of their profession or social group, presents his exhibition to the audience with all the depths of meaning as an exemplary artist and opinion-holder.


Kavukcu's exhibition titled Prophecy and Our Prophet (PBUH) Under the Light of Risale-i Nurs can be viewed between 15 October and 22 October.