The 6th International Symposium on Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (2002)

Globalization, Ethics and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s Risale-i Nur 22.09.2002


The 6th International Symposium on Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (2002)

Globalization, Ethics and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s Risale-i Nur


22 September 2002 Opening Ceremony at Lütfi Kırdar Kongre ve Sergi Sarayı-İstanbul

23-24 September 2002 Sessions at Kaya Ramada-İstanbul

The questions on the relationship of globalization and moral values and their mutual effects, and the

extent to which ethics and particularly religious values can prevent, ameliorate, or repair the negative, destructive effects of globalization need exhaustive study. The international symposium entitled Globalization, Ethics and Bediuzzamam Said Nursi’s Risale-i Nur, was organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture (İstanbul İlim ve Kultur Vakfı) in September 2002 with this aim in view. 29 papers were presented at the symposium by academics and writers from all over the world.

The papers presented in the symposium have attempted to find answers to many questions related to globalization and ethics, and to study the basic elements of Qur’anic morality. For the most part, they focus on Said Nursi’s approach to ethics, which is derived from the Qur’an, and to a lesser extent on globalization per se, and have discussed various dimensions of ethics. Attention has also been given to Nursi’s original method, the aim of which is to instil religious belief and Qur’anic ethics in individual persons and in society as a whole.